Monday 23 July 2012

Book of Nemus Chapter 1 Cover

Potential cover image for the first part of the revised Book of Nemus web comic. Been procrastinating on the actual page 1 for a while now. Script has been ready for a bit. Guess this is an ok way to not actually draw the first page. Least something is being achieved heh

31/07/12 Update. Added some detail.

01/08/12 Update. Minor mucking about trying to get an idea of what to do with the background. Will probably change a lot from this. Ill see what I think when I come back to it after some sleep.

02/08/12 Painted that stuff in a little bit.

02/08/12 Wee bit more.

06/08/12 Some detail on the city. Just need to finish off Eron and add some final touches now.

08/08/12 Gonna call this done now. Need to make up the font for the title next.

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