Saturday 3 November 2012

3d mma mitt

Have to model, texture and render an object to look real in our maya class. This is what I've got so far.

Looking not bad. There's some issues with the sewn lines running round the end and the displacement map is messing up a few things.

Here are the problem areas:

Puffy donut shaped thumb area

Wierd jaggy triangles under the stretchy material and puffy lining around the wrist area.

Probably the main problem is the way I've modelled it. Anyway, hopefully i can find a way to fix it before submission time in December.

*Edit* Accidentally saved the displacement map as a tif. Once i changed it to an exr all the errors vanished.

The logo is a bit wonky. Ill fix that tomorrow in photoshop. Might add another bump map to the inside fingers bit as well . Its not really come out well at all.

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