Tuesday 20 November 2012

Another All Nighter Coming Up

Wierd sleep cycle and having to plan my time really carefully. So much to do.... Our project is getting very close to being completed. There's mainly only lots of stupid little jobs to be dealt with and the odd major job. All the tasks are divided up as best as we can for now. Hopefully we can get our first two scenes ready to render tomorrow.

I'm not as paniced as I was last week. Everyone is still motivated and working really hard to get us there by the deadline. There's also a lot of excitement and anticipation to see how it looks all cut together and coped.

Even if the unthinkable happens and we miss getting the film looking the way we want be the deadline I'll still be really proud of what we've managed to make in the time we had. The whole team has done their absolute best from day one and it shows in the amount of quality work we've made. Really proud of them all.

I'll be up for the rest of the night texturing this guy:

...and adding some final touches to the salloon interior scene.

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