Tuesday 30 September 2014

More Augustus

Short post this time since I skipped life drawing 2 weeks in a row now (Booooo, me! Boooooo!) 

I did a bit of writing and plotting for some comic ideas but mostly I was continuing with Augustus in Mudbox and now Maya. The first image below is how he was looking in Mudbox about a week ago. I was majorly unhappy with the hair so I spent some time trying to figure out nhair in Maya again. I'm determined to get nhair looking decent. If that doesn't work I'll have a look for other hair solutions. 

Better news is I got him looking pretty decent in the Maya renders. I've just got a bit more render setup stuff to do and then I can move on. Here's how he's looking now.

Tis also about time I finished off that Saltire model as well. I was getting on fine with it til it came to doing his hair so the plan now is to get both him and Augustus properly done and ready to render. Might even render them out as well. Then get working on some decent looking hair for them both and comp it together.

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