Thursday 26 September 2013

End of Week 3

Things are going well with the film. Everybody is in the class all day every day beavering away on models and rigs. Looking good for beginning animating next month.

I'm feeling a bit run down. Had a bit of a cold but I think not having a break at summer and then doing full days since coming back is taking its toll. Might have to take a day or two after the peer review and do nothing.

Lots of wee daft things keep coming up that need done before I can really focus on what I am doing. So tired of doing pitches and presentations. I just want to get my head down and get on with things.

Anyway, here's some stuff I did this week.

Loads more images after the jump...

Most of yesterday and today, I spent doing textures for Anna for Pauls film. Quite pleased so far, although I think it's obvious I spent more time looking into how to texture skin than clothing. It's far from finished though so I'll give those areas some extra attention going forward.

 Did loads of bug renders and tweaks. It's probably a tad dark yet. But that'll likely be the last fix. You can see I decided to abandon the mia_car_paint_phenom material. It wasn't giving the results I wanted. Might be I could get them right eventually but seemed like I'd spent more than enough time playing around with it so I went for a painted texture map instead.


Here's a few sketches I did for Mike for the Saloon model on the Divided. I knocked these out really quickly so Mike could get on with modelling them.

Rest of the week was spent UVing Anna and Six. I did manage to get a nice start to painting Six and but I'll save those for next week since I'll be doing a lot more work to him then

The next few days will be spent tidying up the animatic for the divided and then preparing for the peer review next Wednesday

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