Sunday 2 February 2014

February Already :S

Ugh rotten week. Got Monday all to myself for workshop texturing then rest of the week was spent dealing with problems. Thankfully, the problems are solved or at least have a plan for dealing with them.

Some renders of the workshop. Just panels on the back wall, roof , tools and monitor displays to do. Maybe another 5-6 hours to go. I really wanted to be done with it on Wednesday. Just noticed that chair looks a bit to clean. Need to sort that tomorrow...

I've a couple of matte paintings to do next so that'll be a change of pace then it's onto the creator. After about an hours work. Here's what I've got so far...

Very much reminding me of 60s Star Trek backgrounds :D

I've got a render sitting for shot 17.3 for a background that's entirely matte painting. Must admit that's a bit intimidating!

More Saltire 3D updates. Got displacement maps working out of zbrush but there are still some major sculpting issues to be addressed, his face is desperately on need of some more detail too. I think the base mesh might also be too low for some of the displacement. May try taking out level 2 from zbrush and working on that going forward.

I'm using UDIM and multi tile uv space for the textures in MARI. The displacement maps were set up using a layered shader in Maya for this.

Got the wee Macho background finished this weekend bar the wee photo of him with Mr Tiddles in the back left. Here's the comp. Macho himself was done by Gary in Flash while the background was done by me in Photoshop.

I also got a bunch of storyboard stuff for various projects formatted but I'll post them next week.

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