Tuesday 12 March 2013

Slooooooowwww Week ???

I feel like I've done nothing this week. It's not true but it feels like it for some reason.

Anyway, here's a couple of final concepts for The Divided. The Crash Site and the Workshop. Spent a good bit of time on them both but I prefer the crash site one. I was a lot loser and it generally just worked out better. I had to wrestle with the colours on the workshop and there's a few blunders in the composition that would take another few hours to fix. 

If I had the time and didn't need to do another sketch before bed tonight I'd sort the light over Rob so that it was vertical or pointing in to the centre of the painting and move the "camera" directly up a bit and maybe tilt it forward a touch. It might have been better to have the hologram in the spot the chair is and the chair tucked into the desk as well. Forgetting that though, the layout is fairly close to what I want for the environment so something like this will be built I guess. Will find out tomorrow at the production meeting if anyone has any major issues.

The rest of the concept stuff from the others is going pretty well too. Characters are nearly right. By next week all the model sheets should be done, most of the environments decided on and the updated storyboards about half completed. On schedule to have everything done for hand in at least - except my Lit Review ! 

I also worked a bit more on a personal project of which I can show nothing at the moment and got a bit more of Riku's rigging and animation done of which I have nothing worth showing at the moment. We've been working through a walk cycle in class and it's looking not too bad. If I can get the weights sorted it should look really cool rendered out. I still need to attach his head too. I can foresee that causing some issues...

Breaks over, back to Photoshop!

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