Monday 1 April 2013

Loads of different stuff!

Easter break. Last 3 weeks before the hand in. Still way behind on my lit review but I think I've got an idea I like and a focus.

I did some fast texture work for the Krokodi animation. Just a few props that were modeled by Gary Spiers. It was fun to see how realistic I could make them look with just textures as they are super low poly models.

I discovered specular maps and think I may have gone a little over board hehe. They took about an hour each if that painting them in Mudbox and Photoshop. These shots are rendered in mental ray but with default lights,



I'm kind of expecting Lilly to come back and tell me they are too detailed for the style they have done their film in but it hasn't happened yet :> 

Texturing is probably going to be one of my specialisms next year still not sure about number two. I am growing to like painting in Mudbox a lot more but i still find it a bit lacking compared to photoshop with respect to adjusting things. 

Actually, I've not looked into whether Mudbox has any of those capabilities so I'll have a look for that but I saw an awesome video for Mari 2.0 which basically looks like photoshop for 3d models. Desperately want a copy to play around with.

I'm also working on a matte painting for the keeper. First time I've done a painting that will need to be really finished in years. I usually just do speed painty stuff as production paintings. Going fairly well so far. The colours are OKed. Need to find a day soon to really go at it and get it to a quite final state. Here's a WIP.

Lastly,  a paint effects tree I made for Pauls film Papa. This is just a test to see if it will look ok doing some trees like this for the background.

I really want Lightbox back on Blogger. Please fix it google!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Saltire Character :D me and a friend are working on something quite similar called The Thistle
