Tuesday 10 February 2015

Feb 2015 3D stuff

Here's 3D Saltire as done as he's going to be. He's at a point now where I could keep tweaking and fixing things forever. 

In the end, it's not really turned out as well as I'd have liked and I had planned to do some better renders and build some environment around him but I am itching to do something else. 

I have learned a lot through doing this though. Especially x-gen hair. Once I got to grips with how it was working it was quite easy to get some decent but basic looking hair rendered. 

I will definitely be using it again and trying to include more of the x-gen features now that I have an understanding of the basics.

Likewise with Augustus. I'm happy with the results and I could do more but I would rather just do better next time.

Some of the new bits I've made for Lapin in with the old. I sort of want to just keep going and make a wee village heh

The game definitely needed a bit more on the light and environment side of things. I'll keep plugging away at it and see what difference it makes.

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